Mobile Web Development Advantages Of A Mobile Website Design By Elinsys, 26th Jun 2013

When a website is created, it can be easily viewed on your personal computer or your laptop. However, to make your website viewable on a mobile device, you need to design your site differently. To make your website smart phone friendly, you need to hire a mobile website designer. Mobile sites are designed in a unique fashion so that the design gets adapted to the screen of a smart phone and also consider the needs of mobile users.

Website designers realize that business opportunities greatly expand at the mobile level as there are an increased number of smart phone users. Companies are finding a mobile site as a new way to achieve its objectives and impact its clients.

To understand the basics of mobile website design, it is important to learn the difference between mobile websites and mobile application . A smart phone website that is fit to be viewed on a smartphone screen is designed in such a way that the users can navigate comfortably from a phone. An application designed to work on mobile is programmed to do certain tasks for mobile users. These applications should be downloaded and installed on the device.

Benefits of a Mobile Website Design:

  • Mobile website design requires you to engage fewer resources compare to Mobile Application Development
  • A mobile website can be launched easily and quickly
  • Much of the structure of the web page can be reused
  • Al devices with internet access can use a mobile website
  • If the mark is unknown, then it is quite a task to download your application.
  • On a mobile website updates can be made at any time and they can also be made immediately available.

Another important benefit of having a mobile friendly website is that it tends to convert number of users into clients. The quickest way to reach more number of users is through a mobile website. Many of the users accesses the net using a mobile. Hence, mobile website is the best way to reach more number of clients. If your site offers great mobile experience then users can make easily buy your products or services.

According to a report, users visiting a website that has been tailored for use on smart phones, will confirm that 74 percent of users return to it whereas 67 percent of the users are likely to go for a product or service by visiting a website tailored for Smartphone users.

If a mobile website design has been accurately made then it can give you the desired results. It also helps in creating a brand image and interacts in a new way with clients and prospective clients. If you do not have a mobile website then you are doing a lot of favor to your rivals or competitors. Though the above advantages exist in case of a mobile website, it must be ensured that it adapts to the measures of a mobile device. Apart from this, the majority of mobile browsers is very simple. A mobile website will be easier to use in comparison to using an application.

Image Source: Google

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