Link Building techniques have shown excellent results for SEO implementers so far. Before we get into the thought process of whether it is a good SEO practice or not, let’s take a look at what Link Baiting is.
Link Baiting is a process by which you attract traffic to your website by creating compelling and irresistible content that encourages a two way communication between your website visitor and yourself. Some techniques include creating a buzz by writing about some controversial topics, running polls for something interesting, giving away freebies, flashing some “breaking news”, contests – your imagination is your limit. The idea is to use a very powerful hook for your bait. This drives traffic to your website for sure!
Link Baiting is a white SEO technique! Well, that’s a relief! It’s very interesting to implement too. So, though Link Baiting sounds like a way to trick customers and drive them to your website, it’s a pretty cool SEO technique. Some more on Link Baiting techniques to follow in the forthcoming blogs!
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