In the previous article, Optimizing Content For Google’s Penguin 2.0 Update – Part One, I had given you an introduction on what Penguin 2.0 is all about and the importance of updating your site as per the new guidelines. We have discussed about what you need to do so that you don’t get penalized without any fault of yours. Talking about stopping incoming spammy links, we were discussing about using Google’s Disavow Links tool. Once you have downloaded the .CSV file to view the record of all the listed links, you need to proceed ahead to the following steps:
You should now create a .txt file with links that you wish to disassociate your site from. Using a basic word editing software, Notepad or TextEdit, you can create the .txt file. In this file you can add each of the URLs linking to your site that you wish to disassociate your site from. Each line should contain one URL. If you wish to disassociate from the entire website, rather than from a specific URL, then you can add just one line –
It is highly recommended to create a separate .txt file rather than using the same file that you have exported from Google Webmaster Tools. This eliminates the risk associated with accidentally disassociating yourself from high quality sites. When the new file is saved, it should be saved as .txt file encoded in UTF-8 or 7-bit ASCII.
The next step involved uploading this .txt file to the Google Disavow Links tool. For this you need to go to the Google Disavow Links tool and select your website, and click Disavow Links. You can then upload your .txt file Google may take some time to process the update just as it takes time for Google to crawl fresh pages.
Apart from eliminating low quality backlinks to your site, you should concentrate on creating high quality links to your site. To ensure this, you need to have top notch content so that reputable sites would love to associate with your site.
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