Internet Marketing Top Web Marketing Tips By Elinsys, 22nd May 2013

Marketing is the strategy used by businesses to sell their products and services. With the increased usage of web technology, more users are making use of it to reach a wide customer base. Web Internet marketing is not easy as it seems. There has to be a systematic and planned approach to make it work for you. Following are some of the web marketing ideas that you may implement:

  • In the recent logarithm changes, site-wide links have been highly deprecated. This is the reason why it is not recommended. It may even result in penalization of your website’s SERPs. It is recommended to have a max of one site-wide for each forty to fifty unique links from forty to fifty unique domains.
  • You should use the title and meta description with discretion. They help in preventing supplemental pages. Each page should have its own unique title and description. You should also avoid repeating more than 20-25 percent of the title and description tags content on various pages of the site. When framing the title tag, you should use limited characters and put the important ones at the beginning.
  • If you want your site to be search engine friendly, right from the beginning, then you should go for a five year domain while investing $5 K on the website.
  • Write innovative content. Don’t write news or posts just because it is popular on Google. There are chances that you may benefit in the short term but may lose it in the future.
  • You should create other websites that are woven around your primary niche. You can use these websites to market and infuse brand and traffic into your main site. However, you should ensure that all these sites contain quality content so that they can be used as vehicles to market your main site.
  • While inserting Adsense or YPN on your site, ensure that you optimize them. Work on them by changing their positions along with the colors and content around them.
  • Don’t just rely on RSS feeds. Though people are aware of RSS, they prefer e-mail newsletters.
  • Believe in value commenting. Whenever leaving a comment, don’t comment just “Thanks for sharing” or “Truly said”, but say something more about what you feel. Express your opinions in a professional way so that it adds value to the post.
  • You can generate controversial content to self-generate links and discussions. You can pick up celebrities and remark on famous websites or brands.
  • To get more visitors, you should write posts that help them and also get natural links for your For example : You can write tips, How-To, Ways to etc.
  • It is not easy to create a website from the scratch. You should instead go for already popular websites in your industry. Go for mutual partnership or services recommendation. However, never directly email or fax your rivals.
  • Stumbleupon is an amazing social network. You can install their toolbar and submit your excellent posts in their system. StumbleUpon traffic has the highest converting ratio in comparison to Delicious, Digg or Reddit users, which seem to be RSS and AD blind.

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