WordPress is the most commonly used Content Management System (CMS) and it has a lot of plugins and themes available. Many developers have started using WordPress, and you become an expert only by experience. Making mistakes if alright but it is great if we avoid some mistakes by learning from the mistakes that others have made.
Here is a list of the most common mistakes made by developers and how you can avoid them.
There is a lot of confusion around self hosted WordPress and the Free WordPress.com site. You need to understand your specific requirement, study the pros and cons of both the sites and then choose which way you want to proceed. This is a very common mistake developers make and you can avoid this by researching on the two sites before starting development.
Many a times this is ignored in initial stages and later when the developer is in deep trouble needs to fall back on the backup copy, it is not there! So always backup your files! There are a number of tutorials available to backup WordPress files.
You can set the Permalink to your site by going to Settings – permalinks. It is necessary to update Permalinks so that search engines like Google can find your site. If it is left as it is, it is bad for SEO, so at the time of installation itself you can update the Permalink.
Many developers choose themes from unreliable sources which causes malicious attacks to the website. It is always advisable to choose themes from the WordPress.org site itself so as to avoid such attacks.
WordPress adds a default tagline to every blog – ‘Just another Blog’. You need to change this tagline else it is used as an index by Google. An appropriate tagline will help Google identify your website which in turn can increase traffic to your website.
Once the blog is published, you start receiving comments for your blog. You need to approve or reject the comments by going into the ‘Comments’ section. If you do not wish to receive any comments simply disable them in the Settings section. Many users forget to disable comments and relevant or irrelevant comments begin to come in which not a desirable scenario.
WordPress allows users to categorize their content. But users get carried away and almost every blog is given a different category which is not desirable. Keep a limited number of categories so that the site looks well-structured.
Keep your WordPress updated to the latest version. Developers generally ignore the updates and this is not a good practice as website is more prone to malicious attacks by hackers. WordPress updates may contain the some security upgrades or improvements and it is advisable to install updates as soon as they are available. These updates are not very difficult to install and generally involve just one click of a button. And again while upgrading it is again advisable to have backup of your website.
Hire wordpress developer from Elinsys and you will get wordpress development services without making any small mistakes.