Business 6 Steps to Building Your 2021 Marketing Strategy By Elinsys, 06th Mar 2021

If you kissed 2020 goodbye without a solid marketing strategy for 2021, don’t panic. You still have time to create one. Here’s how.

2020 was a year that cannot be described in words – while the trying times seemed to last forever, 2021 is here with a new strategy and so should your marketing plan be. If you still haven’t put together a 2021 marketing strategy, it’s not too late.

Here are a few steps to create a great and effective marketing strategy for 2021:

Dig deep into your data: Despite the current uncertainty, historical performance data is the backbone of any future strategy. So, pull all your metrics from past social media campaigns, website traffic, heatmaps and user paths, email open and click rates, paid media buys and content engagement. Identify the metrics that matter to you the most. Check out which data you saw spikes, what are the CTRs and time spent on each page and scroll depth. These are the metrics that will tell you how to plan your 2021 marketing strategies.

Validate your audience segments: Setting audience segments and buyer personas is not a one time activity. As the world changes, trends change and so do buyer personas and audience segments. It’s important to revisit these personas and make relevant changes as per current time and current trends.

Revisit your objectives: The ultimate aim should be the overall strategic objectives that serves as an umbrella of actions the company takes to generate more revenue. So, marking the core objectives is an essential. So, it’s important that all the strategies contribute to this goal.

Start testing: This is where the actual doing begins. Prepare a calendar with the content and assign a date to each task. Create a social media campaign and carefully add links.

If you have bid goodbye to 2020, it’s time to begin 2021 with a great marketing strategy!

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