Owing to the growing penetration of smartphones and the emergence of advanced technologies in the healthcare sector, there is a rise in demand for fitness apps too. The On-Demand fitness apps market is forecast to reach $14.64 billion by 2027. Digital health monitoring is now a successful business model and attracts several users to use the app too.
The fitness apps market is driven by consumer demand to manage their own health and have access to necessary information whenever they need it. These apps are being developed and adopted by the healthcare industry rapidly. Further, the startup market is also flooding with investment in fitness apps. New entrepreneurs are coming up with ways to create innovative apps and this has augmented the healthcare market. It is reported that a total of USD 7.5 billion was invested in various startups that are attempting to digitize various healthcare processes.
It is also to be noted that users get used to a particular healthcare app and they rarely change the apps if they get comfortable using one. Almost 96% of the users stick to one app once they have used it.
Fitness apps and COVID-19 – here are a few more findings:
Some of the key participants in this area include Appster, Adidas, Asics America Corporation, Fitbit, Inc., Azumio, Inc., Fitnesskeeper, Google, Fooducate, Kayla Itsines, and Nike, among others. Fitness is in demand and on-demand apps customized to your fitness requirements can be created by technology experts. It will be the future of the healthcare market and offer both ease and convenience to both customers and healthcare staff.
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